So excited!!

Well I have made a big decision! I am going to face my biggest challenge EVER!! I am going to walk 100 km for charity!!! That is over 60 miles in 30 hours! Am I mad? Maybe lol 😂 but it is for a great cause! I will be doing this walk for The British… Continue reading So excited!!


Wow! Over 15km walked today!! According to Fitbit, over 24000 steps!! My feet hurt lol 😂  Best walk we have done so far, walked from the Meldons to Shiplaw and back again! The sun was shining 🌞 for the first half then it rained ☔ī¸ for a couple of hours, then we had ok weather… Continue reading 15.46km!!!

Off we go!!

1 hour and 39 minutes and we are just about ready to go! Breakfast eaten, Bunion plasters on, laces tied and now a quick check of the map before we set off! Been looking forward to this all week and the sun is shining 😁 

Not long to go!!

Half a day left to work then on Sunday I can finally get out for a hike! Have yet to check the weather but unless we are in for a snow storm, there will be no stopping us! Looking forward to my first proper blog post 😍